Babet instructor
Babet instructor
Babet instructor
Babet instructor




Like many of our instructors, Babet’s journey to Rocycle was an organic love story of sorts. A trained dancer, Babet’s always loved movement – in all its forms. She first came to Rocycle as a rider, and after just 45 minutes, she was hooked for life. She loved the energy, the music and the choreo, and, these days, she loves giving all that right back to her very own riders.

Back-to-back pyramids and power tap-back sets are pretty much always on the menu during Babet’s classes. She gets her classes going with an eclectic mix of house, hip-hop and Latin tunes, peppering in the perfect amount of motivational chat along the way. Babet is always energised, always inspirational. Think of her as your own personal hype-woman.

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