Adina instructor
Adina instructor
Adina instructor
Adina instructor




A true cardio queen, Adina was hooked the moment she clipped into the bike at Rocycle for the first time. Though she’s always been active, nothing could quite prepare her for the seriously sweat-inducing power of the Ro’ride. Now that she’s up on that instructor’s podium, she brings the fire and helps her riders harness theirs as well.We dare you not to shimmy-shake to Adina’s groovy mixes of pop, dancehall and techno-pop. Her playlists are the perfect match for her killer choreography, espeacially when it comes to windmills and 4-corners. As supportive as she is motivating, Adina is there to help her riders feel at home in their bodies and break out of their comfort zones. Her class is always a safe space, so get ready to love yourself.

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